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Karpniki, UL. Łąkowa 1 | T:+48 757122140


Body massages:

Body Work by Zamek Karpnikia gentle relaxing full body massage. It consists of a professional techniques compilation enabling gentle stretching of tissue and the joints. The massage has a soothing effect , improves your health and, first of all, your well-being.
Price: PLN 300
Duration: 55 minutes

Therapeutic massage
perfect for people with mild pain or expecting deep relaxation. It is an effective way of improving the condition of muscles and joints. A series of gentle, deep movements in conjunction with stretching of the muscles allows to eliminate of muscle contractions and the improvement of joint mobility. The massage will give you effective and stable results in a relatively short time.
Price: PLN 350
Duration: 60 minutes

Chinese massage Tui Na
a traditional Chinese massage which has been performed for over 2,000 years. It starts with an intense but very pleasant foot massage, followed by a full body massage including a head massage. During the treatment we use oil only for foot and lower leg massage, the rest of the therapy is done on  dry with so-called “presura” compression techniques. The Chinese massage stimulates the immune system, relieves stress and fatigue, removes tension and muscle blockages and improves the lymphatic circulation. Pressure and stimulation of points assigned to appropriate  organs improve their function.
Price: PLN 400
Duration: 75 minutes

Lymphatic drainage
therapeutic massage which helps with detoxication of the body and stimulation of metabolic processes. It is performed with a unique detoxifying oil, intensifying the effect of the massage. It gives both satisfactory detoxifying effects and figure modelling results. The massage is very gentle and it creates a state of deep relaxation. In special cases (varicose veins, excess hair growth, loose skin) the massage is performed with  help of a thin plastic foil , which allows the isolation of tissue and it intensifies drainage effect.
Price: PLN 400
Duration: 90 minutes

Facial massages:
Balinese head massage – a deeply relaxing head, upper back and shoulder massage with warm organic coconut oil , which nourishes and regenerates both for skin and for hair. Head massage releases "happiness hormones" - endorphins, which improve mood and well-being.
Price: PLN 250
Duration: 40 minutes
Facemodeling* -
a fully natural and holistic facial modeling and rejuvenation program. The success and effectiveness of this method consists of a number of unique techniques, such as: myoplasty, acupressure and interplastic massage (used inside our face - the so-called "transbucal"). Thanks to the innovative use of these unique techniques, in one treatment session, we can achieve a long-lasting effect of biological rejuvenation of our face even by up to several years.
Facemodeling works on the deepest structures of our tissues and muscles, which allows us to achieve visible effects after the first treatment.

* limited availability, please book in advance.
Price : PLN 550
Duration: 90 minutes

KOBIDO Facelifting Massage
Japanese intensive facial massage that reduces facial wrinkles and improves face oval. The combination of lymphatic drainage, acupressure and especially lifting techniques brings incredible results and is an alternative
to aesthetic medicine.
Price: PLN 400
Duration: 80 minutes

Body treatments:
Body Strategist Thermal Mud - REDUCTION OF FAT TISSUE. DETOXICATION - Intensive slimming and modeling treatment, based on mud and thermal water from Bagni di Pisa. Special blends of essential oils and Focus and Laminaria algae work actively, minimizing the visibility of cellulite. An ideal treatment to remove accumulated toxins and restoring firmness of the skin.
Price: PLN 500
Duration: 90 minutes
Tranquility Peeling - Peeling with the wonderful scent of essential oils and amaranth oil. It improves skin elasticity and relaxes muscles. It significantly accelerates the process of regeneration and reconstruction of the epidermis, giving the skin a smooth and silky appearance.
Price: PLN 250
Duration: 45 minutes

Hanakasumi ritual - BODY NUTRITION. The charming scent of cherry blossoms brings complete relaxation and helps rebuild internal energy. The Hanakasumi session begins with a welcome massage - Awakening Prelude. Then, an enzymatic peeling is performed, combining the nutritional properties of cherry blossoms and rice powder. The entire treatment is complemented by a foot massage based on reflexology elements and a relaxing body massage made with shea butter, which allowsto a complete relaxation and calm.

Price: PLN 450
Duration: 75 minutes
Tranquility face & body - CLEANSING, RELAXATION, AROMATHERAPY - A cult aromatherapy ritual that includes face and body. The whole body massage is performed with TRANQUILITY BLEND - an aromatic mixture of essential oils and amaranth oil, preceded by a whole body peeling. It relaxes muscle tension and perfectly regenerates the skin. The culmination of the ritual is an authorial facial massage with the nourishing RECOVER TOUCH oil, which contains goji berry extract and macadamia oil. Reverses everyday damage caused by free radicals and promotes overnight skin regeneration.
Price: PLN 500
Duration: 90 minutes

Massage techniques were designed by Karpniki Castle professional massage therapists to satisfy our Guests` needs.
We are available 7 days a week from 8 am till 9 pm.

Please make a massage reservation a minimum of 1 day in advance, by phone 0048757122140 or by email info@zamekkarpniki.pl

The offer is available only to the hotel Guests.